

Cafe Express

By in Paleo, Restaurant

cafe express

I love this place because of their awesome condiments bar.

Remember, when you go into a restaurant, you want to find a meal or a combination of little meals where you have Meat, Vegetables and a Healthy Fat Option(HFO) displayed in a clean(no sauce no fry) manor.

This can be a tough one here at Cafe Express, because its such a soup and sandwich-y type of restaurant.  So, I’ll start there, NO Soup and Sandwiches!!

Lets see,…What’s left?  Ah yes, Salads!

cafe express

Okay, so with the salads, 1-6 on the menu(add meat to the veggie salad) are all fine.  However, NO cheese, NO dressing, No croutons, NO glazed nuts.  And NO to the Spinach and Penne Pasta, Grilled Chicken and Pasta Pesto Deli and Caesar Salads.  If you can afford it, order extra meat, Add Shrimp, Grilled Chicken or Salmon.

There are tons of flavor options on the Condiment bar.  Vinegars(NOT Balsamic), EVOO, Pickles, Jalapeños, Banana Peppers and Capers, so load up on those!

Okay!  Lets just skip on past any of the MEAL COMBOS, SANDWICHES, PASTAS, GOURMET BURGERS(are you still reading…?), and come to a stop at the Grilled & Roasted Entrees!!  Mediterranean Salmon, sans the bread.  Go ahead and keep the sauce, that will be your HFO.  Roasted Half Chicken, double/triple down on the veggies and skip the mash.  Grilled Chicken & Vegetables..No fuss, No muss, No changes.  Skip the rest, to much picking it apart.

Side options.  Steamed Broccoli, Mushrooms and Leaf Spinach and Roasted Brussels Sprouts.  EASY on the butter or ask for steamed ONLY… because you have a heart condition;)  But, the butter can be your HFO, I just don’t want your veggies doing the backstroke in the stuff.

I’m not going to tackle the breakfast options, but I do want to say this:

Do Not Start your day with Fruit, Yogurt or Bread… Period.


Paleo, more than just Bacon

By in Paleo, Transformational Nutrition


I had the most amazing dental experience at Price Dental in Memorial.  I just completed my Transformational Nutrition Certification.  It has taught me to take better care of all of me.  I am working everyday to be mindful and present in all situations.

I was really dreading going to the dentist for a crown replacement and god knows what else they would find.  I was worried about the pain, I was worried about the cost and I was worried about having a ROOT CANAL!  My fear of the unknown, I’ve learned, throws  me into an aggressive and somewhat antisocial person.   I wasn’t confident that the dentist knew what he was doing or would maybe do more to me than was necessary.  Dr. Price came in and kinda just started “getting to work”.  This got my old patterns of fear and judgmental behavior going.  “So, what are we doing to me exactly?” I asked.  And he explained…and I was still fearful and judgmental.  I decided to stop my old patterns right then and there and ask some questions.  I said I was filled with a little anxiety(understatement) and “what exactly is a root canal anyway??”  I realized I was in this negative place and saw an opportunity to heal myself.  I softened and leaned into him, eye to eye and really listened…He leaned into me and really showed me he cared about me,  and that I was safe.  All of a sudden this veil was lifted.  Until you step back and see your comfort habits or triggers for handling stress , you can’t change them.  It is a moment by moment of self examination.  My 40 year old habits of fear and judgement were floating away.  He offered me laughing gas…I said “is it FREE??” …and it was.  I asked what it does, he explained I’d feel as relaxed as having a glass of wine or 2.  I realized, I don’t drink enough wine…I felt great!!  My body relaxed and I knew I was in the hands of someone that loved me.  He could have pulled every tooth from my head and it would have been fine.  I needed to be seen and heard.   I had just broken through a big limiting factor in my life and you know where that power came from?  Eating Real whole foods!  I have noticed over this past year, that my hunger to be authentic and open to change, applying the tools to change and being genuinely happy have stemmed from my change in eating habits and food choices.  Of course, my Transformational Nutrition Course has changed me profoundly and set me on the course to help others change their directions, too.



I have GOT to go back to school for Psychology!

By in Books, Fitness, Paleo, Recipe, Restaurant, Transformational Nutrition
If you do not have Dr. Brene Brown on your radar for living your best life, Well that's a terrible shame! 
Her greatest work has been studying shame and vulnerability and how both mold our existence.

Shame is correlated with Addiction, Eating Disorders and Depression!

The difference between Shame and Guilt, is the way we talk to our selves and the words we chose.
Example, Your on a "Diet" and you go out and you eat/drink everything in site.  
The next day you have party post- mortem. 

"I have no will power, I'm always going to be fat, I'll never be able to stick to a diet,Whats the use...Forget it!"  This talk focuses on you as a person...Shame.

Instead of..."That was a stupid idea, I'm am making progress, this will take time, i love myself, back on track today!"  This talk focuses on the behavior not you.

I have been practicing taking myself from a place of shame over relationships,eating properly, working out and just plane existing, by focusing on up lifting self talk AND, BELIEVING what I'm saying to myself.
Think of talking to yourself as you would someone you love, your best friend, your kids, your pets.
"you made a mistake...I love You..lets get through this.." 

If you are stuck in life read books by people that will lift your spirit...move you forward...and redirect or give your life direction.

This book has always been a go to for me.
And,Of course Any Book By Dr.Brene Brown, New York Times Best-Selling Author.

Have a great Monday!  Talk nice to yourself, and others.  Make The decision to live your life in happiness... You are loved!

I have GOT to go back to school for Psychology!

By in Books, Fitness, Paleo, Recipe, Restaurant, Transformational Nutrition
If you do not have Dr. Brene Brown on your radar for living your best life, Well that's a terrible shame! 
Her greatest work has been studying shame and vulnerability and how both mold our existence.

Shame is correlated with Addiction, Eating Disorders and Depression!

The difference between Shame and Guilt, is the way we talk to our selves and the words we chose.
Example, Your on a "Diet" and you go out and you eat/drink everything in site.  
The next day you have party post- mortem. 

"I have no will power, I'm always going to be fat, I'll never be able to stick to a diet,Whats the use...Forget it!"  This talk focuses on you as a person...Shame.

Instead of..."That was a stupid idea, I'm am making progress, this will take time, i love myself, back on track today!"  This talk focuses on the behavior not you.

I have been practicing taking myself from a place of shame over relationships,eating properly, working out and just plane existing, by focusing on up lifting self talk AND, BELIEVING what I'm saying to myself.
Think of talking to yourself as you would someone you love, your best friend, your kids, your pets.
"you made a mistake...I love You..lets get through this.." 

If you are stuck in life read books by people that will lift your spirit...move you forward...and redirect or give your life direction.

This book has always been a go to for me.
And,Of course Any Book By Dr.Brene Brown, New York Times Best-Selling Author.

Have a great Monday!  Talk nice to yourself, and others.  Make The decision to live your life in happiness... You are loved!

I have GOT to go back to school for Psychology!

By in Books, Fitness, Paleo, Recipe, Restaurant, Transformational Nutrition
If you do not have Dr. Brene Brown on your radar for living your best life, Well that's a terrible shame! 
Her greatest work has been studying shame and vulnerability and how both mold our existence.

Shame is correlated with Addiction, Eating Disorders and Depression!

The difference between Shame and Guilt, is the way we talk to our selves and the words we chose.
Example, Your on a "Diet" and you go out and you eat/drink everything in site.  
The next day you have party post- mortem. 

"I have no will power, I'm always going to be fat, I'll never be able to stick to a diet,Whats the use...Forget it!"  This talk focuses on you as a person...Shame.

Instead of..."That was a stupid idea, I'm am making progress, this will take time, i love myself, back on track today!"  This talk focuses on the behavior not you.

I have been practicing taking myself from a place of shame over relationships,eating properly, working out and just plane existing, by focusing on up lifting self talk AND, BELIEVING what I'm saying to myself.
Think of talking to yourself as you would someone you love, your best friend, your kids, your pets.
"you made a mistake...I love You..lets get through this.." 

If you are stuck in life read books by people that will lift your spirit...move you forward...and redirect or give your life direction.

This book has always been a go to for me.
And,Of course Any Book By Dr.Brene Brown, New York Times Best-Selling Author.

Have a great Monday!  Talk nice to yourself, and others.  Make The decision to live your life in happiness... You are loved!